Ticket refunds and changes

Ticket refunds and changes

After what period of time can I claim a refund?
The maximum period in which you can claim a refund is within 28 days of the tickets expiry date.
Tue, 7 Jul, 2020 at 5:08 PM
How can I refund my ticket?
When may I claim a refund? You may request a refund for any unused ticket where the terms and conditions of that ticket type allow for a refund. You can ap...
Tue, 10 Jan, 2023 at 4:03 PM
How can I change my ticket?
What is a change of journey? A change of journey is when you want to change the date/time of travel. What ticket types allow for a change of journey? ...
Tue, 10 Jan, 2023 at 4:05 PM
After what period of time can I claim a refund?
The maximum period in which you can claim a refund is within 28 days of the tickets expiry date.
Tue, 7 Jul, 2020 at 5:09 PM
Do I need to return my tickets to get my refund?
If you've received your tickets in the post, or you've already collected them from the station Please post your tickets back to the address below b...
Thu, 1 Dec, 2022 at 4:29 PM