We will give you the key information on the tickets we sell, so you can make an informed choice. By default, we organise the search results according to the departure time and the fastest available journeys with the smallest number of changes (which includes all direct services of comparable duration). We highlight the cheapest price within these results. No other ranking criteria, remuneration or other conditions are considered.
Our search results list all journeys that match your search. Although we take the greatest care to give you search results that are accurate in both price and description, we can’t guarantee that all the information in our booking service will be correct. This is because some of it, such as timetables, live journey information, platform data, transport network conditions and fares, comes from the third-party operators.
The search results may display journeys run by different operators. Operators do not pay to have their journeys listed on the booking service, and nor can they pay to influence the ranking of their journeys.